

Celebrating music and families

Les Planes d’Hos­toles (Gar­rotxa) hosts the 6th edi­tion of the Planestiueja fes­ti­val, from July 2 to Au­gust 6. Within the pro­gramme is an­other event, Har­mony, a day-long fes­ti­val aimed at fam­i­lies in all their di­ver­sity that takes place on July 30 from 11 am, and in­cludes Els Catar­res, Buhos, Suu, Koers, Ar­ribar i Ploure and Viva o Samba, the clowns Brucaá Cir­cus, La Churry and Ricky el Pro­fes­sor de Ten­nis. There will be a camp­ing area, work­shops and ac­tiv­i­ties for all the fam­ily, as well as a bar and food trucks.

As for Planestiueja it­self, the fes­ti­val kicked off on July 2 and 3 with a day of per­for­mances and ac­tiv­i­ties, and con­tin­ues on July 10 with Manu Guix & The Vet­er­ans. That will be fol­lowed by Joan Dausà with his new album , Ho tenim tot, on July 16, and then singer Elena Gadel and gui­tarist Marta Rob­les with the show, Les dones de la meva vida, the next day. ABBA trib­ute band The New Ex­pe­ri­ence per­form on July 23, with the fes­ti­val com­ing to a close on Au­gust 6 with a con­cert by Marc Timón.

At­tend­ing Planestiueja is also an op­por­tu­nity to visit the county of La Gar­rotxa, an area that boasts many cul­tural as­sets and re­sources as well as a se­ries of tourist ac­tiv­i­ties of­fered in the Gar­rotxa Cul­tour pro­gramme, in­clud­ing the area’s fa­mous vol­ca­noes.

Other high­lights of the Gar­rotxa Cul­tour pro­gramme are the Jew­ish quar­ter in the me­di­ae­val town of Besalú, a tour of the area’s Mod­ernist past, and a route that in­cludes 14 view­points of­fer­ing spec­tac­u­lar views of the county’s nat­ural land­scapes.

Until 6 August
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