
Pau Casals

Discovering the homeland of Pau Casals

The Pau Casals In­ter­na­tional Music Fes­ti­val fo­cuses on the life of the mas­ter cel­list and his home­town of El Ven­drell. This year’s fes­ti­val, which is held be­tween July 9 and 22, in­cludes such renowned in­ter­na­tional mu­si­cians as the cel­lists Daniel Müller-Schott (pic­tured), Edgar Moreau and Ivan Karizna.

The 41st edi­tion of the fes­ti­val takes as its cen­tral theme Pau Casals in El Ven­drell, re­call­ing the re­la­tion­ship of the mas­ter with his home­land that he was ex­iled from in later life. There is a total of eight con­certs sched­uled, as well as two screen­ings about Casals and his link with Puerto Rico, where he spent his final days be­fore he died in 1973.

Until 22 July
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