

Music, poetry and jazz in a Romanesque cloister

The clois­ter of the Santa Maria de l’Es­tany monastery in Moianès again hosts one of the strongest sum­mer cul­tural events in the re­gion of cen­tral Cat­alo­nia. Po­etry, the­atre and music, with a spe­cial focus on Bach, con­verge in the small town of L’Es­tany from July 22 to Au­gust 27 in the idyl­lic set­ting of the Ro­manesque monastery. The me­di­ae­val and mod­ern po­etry show, Les pe­dres s’aix­e­quen patint, will open pro­ceed­ings on July 22 with the voice of Ger­ard Horta and Marc Egea on the hurdy-gurdy. Next on the sched­ule is the Cösmix fam­ily clown show by the Teatre Mòbil com­pany, made up of Jordi Gira­bal and Atilà Puig. Fol­low­ing that, on the oc­ca­sion of the 20th Bachi­ana to cel­e­brate the work of Jo­hann Se­bas­t­ian Bach, the fes­ti­val will host two events ded­i­cated to the Ger­man com­poser. On Au­gust 6, a Bach Night will fea­ture the screen­ing of pre­vi­ous Bachi­ana con­certs, while Au­gust 13 sees the pre­miere of the con­cert Dit de Drap, with Inés Borrás (piano), Denis Navarro (cello), Berta Gi­raut and Jordi Vidal (ac­tors), and Montse Colomé (stage di­rec­tion). On Au­gust 26, three artists – Pavel Amil­car (vi­o­lin), Carine Valette (po­etry) and An­to­nio Mazzei (piano) – will pre­sent An­dan­zas. And the fi­nale, on Au­gust 27, will be a trib­ute to the music of trum­peter and vo­cal­ist Louis Arm­strong by the band Jaz­zCare All­Stars, led by Ri­card Gili.

From 22 July to 27 August
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