Catalans Abroad

Alba Sunyer Ollé

from Sallent, and studied in Sant Cugat before opening a physical therapy office in Manresa

Ambassador of cuisine

Why did you leave Cat­alo­nia?
We wanted a change of pace after I had an ac­ci­dent that left my arm se­verely in­jured and put an end to end my PT ca­reer. That was hard, as I thought: “What now?”. Around that time, my hus­band got a job offer in the US, in Greenville, South Car­olina. We lived there for 11 years. And then we moved to De­troit, where we’ve been since 2018.
Are you happy with the job op­por­tu­ni­ties you found in your adop­tive coun­try?
I’m re­ally happy. This coun­try gave me the op­por­tu­nity to rein­vent my­self and gave my pro­fes­sional life a clean slate. I was able to re­built my ca­reer from scratch, out of a pas­sion for Cata­lan cui­sine. So, I came up with the idea of a “Team Build­ing Events” com­pany based on Cata­lan cui­sine, that would allow Amer­i­cans to have an in­sight into our cul­ture. The Cham­ber of Com­merce lis­tened to my idea and put me on a Di­ver­sity Busi­ness Ac­cel­er­a­tor Pro­gram. They also pro­vided a men­tor in my area who helped me all the way until my busi­ness started run­ning… and all for free.
You are the au­thor of the book ’Àpats/The Cata­lan Table’. How did it come about?
I wanted to pro­mote Cata­lan cui­sine in the US and so I started writ­ing it dur­ing the pan­demic. I wanted the book to act as a tool for those Amer­i­cans who wanted to dis­cover Cata­lan gas­tron­omy. The in­ten­tion was to ex­plain who Cata­lans are, what we eat, our tra­di­tions, and agri­cul­ture, using the recipe as a “ve­hi­cle”.
You got some of the best Cata­lan chefs to col­lab­o­rate with your book.
Yes, and I feel so lucky about it! The pro­logues were by Joan Roca and Toni Mas­sanés. Clara Antúnez, a well-known Cata­lan som­me­lier, paired all the recipes with Cata­lan wines and wrote the tast­ing notes. She was also a great help in all as­pects re­lated to the book. The book was pub­lished on March 25 this year. The Cata­lan ver­sion, Àpats, had al­most sold out a month after its debut, and the ex­perts’ feed­back couldn’t be bet­ter.
On your so­cial media, you in­tro­duce your­self as a Cata­lan cui­sine ad­vo­cate in the US. How much is Cata­lan food known in the United States? Which Cata­lan dishes or pro­duce do Amer­i­cans like most?
The ma­jor­ity of Amer­i­cans don’t know Cata­lan cui­sine at all. Chef José Andrés has been work­ing hard to show Amer­i­cans what Span­ish food is, and he has been suc­cess­ful; what he’s done is amaz­ing. But no one is cham­pi­oning Cata­lan cui­sine. Some peo­ple put Cata­lan food under the same um­brella as Span­ish food, but it de­serves to be known as a unique en­tity, with its own his­tory and recipes. Amer­i­cans love pa amb tomàquet, rosse­jat de fideus, es­cud­ella de car­bassa and of course our dif­fer­ent ways of cook­ing rice. In my ex­pe­ri­ence arròs sense feina or arròs del seny­oret are two favourites.
You re­cently claimed that tra­di­tional Cata­lan cui­sine is not going through a very good mo­ment. Can you elab­o­rate more on this idea?
Since the world turned into a global place, every­body wants to know and eat other cuisines, but bo­ti­farra amb mon­getes isn’t cool any­more. There’s noth­ing wrong with the cur­rent trends, but the prob­lem is that we com­pletely for­got about keep­ing our tra­di­tions alive. We all eat ramen and pizza, but what about es­cud­ella or coca de re­capte? We have to keep cook­ing and teach­ing our kids our tra­di­tional cui­sine. We should spend more time learn­ing from our grand­moth­ers, while we also try and cook other cuisines of course. Our tra­di­tional cui­sine tells the world who we are, and it’s our iden­tity in this global world. If we lose it, it would be like los­ing our lan­guage.

CATA­LANS ABROAD de­troit (United States)


Where are the best places for visitors to stay in Detroit?
I would recommend staying in downtown Detroit at the Shinola Hotel, The Foundation Hotel, or The Westin Book Cadillac Detroit.
What would you consider the highlights of a brief visit for the first time?
Detroit Institute of Arts, Motown Museum, Hart Plaza, The Henry Ford Museum, Midtown, Fox Theatre, Comerica Park, Campus Martius Park, GM Renaissance Center, River district, Eastern market, Cliff Bell’s Jazz Club. And don’t forget to eat a Coney Island hot dog.
And if visitors have more time or make a return visit?
The Guardian Building, Third Man Records, Fisher Building, Belle Isle, Caesars Arena, Dequindre Cut park, Shinola Store, Detroit River Walk, Charles H Wright Museum of African American History, The Heidelberg Project.
Can you recommend a place to have lunch with friends?
Apparatus Room. Located in the Detroit Foundation Hotel. The space’s original purpose was as a fire station. The open kitchen is located where the firefighters in the past used to prepare their meals. The menu is based on regional flavors in modern American dishes.
Where would you have a special dinner for two?
Freya Detroit. I had an extraordinary multi-course dining experience with high quality ingredients, sourced from some of the most talented farmers, fishmongers, foragers, and butchers in the area. The atmosphere of the place is beautiful and the service was top notch. Chef Dough Hewitt and the pastry chef Ben Robinson really are shooting for the stars. For me, it’s the best place for a special dinner.
When is the best time of year to plan a visit?
Summer, if you don’t like really cold weather. The city can get very chilly in winter.
What is the best kept secret about the area?
The murals of Detroit’s old buildings. High quality murals and street art is abundant in Detroit. The city Walls program began in 2017. It aims to enhance public spaces through murals. The artists that work on the paintings are born and raised in Detroit. Its something that you can’t miss if you visit Detroit, the urban resilience of this city is shown in those murals.
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