Food & Wine


Text: CUINA MAGAZINE Photo: Anna Garcia Frigola

Last stop before Lent

In Catalonia, meringue is associated with the carnival winter festivities

A dessert made from whipped egg whites and sugar, often with an acidic in­gre­di­ent like lemon added, meringue is baked to form a light, airy and sweet con­fec­tionery with a crisp outer layer. His­tor­i­cally as­so­ci­ated with Swiss, French, Pol­ish and Ital­ian cuisines in par­tic­u­lar, in Cat­alo­nia meringue is mostly linked with the Gar­raf coastal re­gion south of Barcelona. This is an area of the coun­try that has a strong car­ni­val her­itage and meringue is a food often as­so­ci­ated with the an­nual win­ter fes­tiv­i­ties, tra­di­tion­ally being con­sumed on Di­jous Gras (Fat Thurs­day), which in the Chris­t­ian tra­di­tion is the last Thurs­day be­fore Lent, when a pro­tracted pe­riod of fast­ing be­gins until Easter.

There is a the­ory that the pop­u­lar­ity of meringue in Cat­alo­nia could at least in part de­rive from house­holds tak­ing ad­van­tage of egg whites left over from the prepa­ra­tion of the tra­di­tional crème brûlée-like dessert, crema cata­lana, which was par­tic­u­larly pop­u­lar in the first months of the year.

Today, meringue has been fully in­cor­po­rated into the world of sweets, both as a fill­ing and as an em­bell­ish­ment and com­ple­ment in cake mak­ing.

As it has a ten­dency to read­ily ab­sorb water from the air, meringue has a short shelf life of up to two weeks if stored prop­erly. In order to pre­vent the dessert from being ru­ined, it is ad­vis­able to store meringue in an air­tight con­tainer and in a cool area of the house. To ex­tend the shelf life of the dessert fur­ther, it can be frozen and kept for about three months, al­though even then it should still be kept in an air­tight con­tainer to pre­vent any hu­mid­ity af­fect­ing it.

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