Food & Wine

Wine cellar. ANNA VICENS

Wine route through ...Osona

In the morn­ing:

Mas Clarella (Santa Maria de Be­sora)

Chance led Brad and Teresa Call, a suc­cess­ful Amer­i­can busi­ness­man and his wife, to the sub-county of Bisaura be­tween the provinces of Girona and Barcelona. The land­scape of forests, streams, wa­ter­falls, mead­ows and paths se­duced Brad to the point that he de­cided to buy Manso de Clarella, a prop­erty dat­ing back to 1245 and lo­cated in the mu­nic­i­pal­ity of Santa Maria de Be­sora.

Brad’s dream was to make wine. He car­ried out a spec­tac­u­lar ren­o­va­tion that began in 2013 with in­dus­tri­al­ists from nearby towns, which led to a small eco­nomic rev­o­lu­tion in the area. Brad en­trusted his wine pro­ject to Goyo Gordal­iza, an oe­nol­o­gist with ex­ten­sive ex­pe­ri­ence in wine­mak­ing in areas such as Rioja, Rib­era del Duero, Toro, Rueda, Cigales and Valde­or­ras, among oth­ers.

Of the 25 hectares that make up the prop­erty, they planted five with the va­ri­eties that could best be adapted to the area: ull de l’Ebre and macabeo, ries­ling and pinot noir.

Clarella Blanc 2019: a blend of macabeo and ries­ling, fer­mented in stain­less steel and aged in French oak bar­rels.

Clarella Blanc 2020: 100% macabeo. A clas­sic wine in the line of white wines that are aged in bar­rels that dom­i­nate the aroma of the wine.

They make three red wines with ull de l’Ebre that have a clas­sic pro­file: Clarella Criança 2019 / Clarella Criança 2020 / Clarella Reserva 2019.

Mas Clarella is a very in­ter­est­ing pro­ject that rises to the chal­lenge of dis­tin­guish­ing its wines so that they re­flect the unique­ness of the place.

Arranged vis­its, for in­di­vid­u­als and groups.


For lunch:
Restau­rant San­tu­ari de Bell­munt (Sant Pere de Torelló)

At 1,246 m, built di­rectly on the rock, is the San­tu­ari de Bell­munt, with stun­ning views over the Vic Plain, the Pyre­nees, the Ges Val­ley and Bisaura. On clear days you can even see Montser­rat. It is, with­out a doubt, one of the most im­pres­sive view­points in the re­gion of Osona. La Capel­leta de l’Ermità is the name that Ma­rina and Santi have given to their life pro­ject. They work with local pro­duc­ers who sup­ply qual­ity, sea­sonal food, most of which is or­ganic. The house spe­cial­ties are Va­len­cian rice, grilled meats and co­ques al forn, craft dried sausages and cheeses from Osona, as well as pulses and soups, which are of­fered all year round.


Tel: 93 744 71 07

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