
Judith Colell


“TV3 has to be the hub of our productions again”

Amid times of austerity in the culture sector, the Catalan Film Academy has voted in a new management team headed by film director Judith Colell, who aims to bring a new approach to strengthen the local filmmaking industry

we have to let people know that what we do is fantastic TWO CATALAN PRODUCTIONS ARE AMONG THE THREE PRE-OSCAR NOMINATED FILMS
I think it’s fantastic that a certain percentage of production is protected here IT’S A PITY WE DON’T HAVE MORE FILMS IN CATALAN... THE ONES WE DO HAVE ARE VERY STRONG

On June 14, the can­di­dacy led by Ju­dith Colell won the Cata­lan Film Acad­emy elec­tions. A lit­tle over three months have passed and the new pres­i­dent, born in Sant Cugat del Vallès in 1968 and di­rec­tor of films such as Elisa K, 53 Days of Win­ter and 15 Hours, has gone to work with her team: Vice Pres­i­dent Sergi Moreno (pro­ducer); Carla Simón, Alba Cros and Sílvia Quer (di­rec­tors), Car­los R. Ríos (dis­trib­u­tor and di­rec­tor of the D’A fes­ti­val), ac­tors Maria Molins and David Verda­guer, ed­i­tor Ana Pfaff and screen­writer Ed­uard Sola.

Do you stand by what you said in the elec­tions, that you aren’t one to com­plain about every­thing?

Yes, to­tally. I think if we have to com­plain and ask for things, we have to do it be­hind closed doors. In front of the pub­lic, what we have to do is show our de­sire for cin­ema to rep­re­sent us and help us cre­ate a col­lec­tive imag­i­na­tion, and also to in­sist on the im­por­tance of con­tin­u­ing to make Cata­lan au­dio­vi­sual con­tent and in Cata­lan. And we also have to let peo­ple know that what we do is fan­tas­tic, that we have a lot of tal­ent: we’re con­stantly in­volved in in­ter­na­tional fes­ti­vals, win­ning prizes, the only Span­ish rep­re­sen­ta­tive at the Cannes fes­ti­val is a Cata­lan film [Lib­er­tad], we won an award at the Lo­carno fes­ti­val, we won all the awards in Málaga... two Cata­lan pro­duc­tions are among the three pre-Oscar nom­i­nated films. We have a lot of tal­ent, great pro­duc­ers and great di­rec­tors and tech­ni­cians work­ing all over the world, and we have to let the pub­lic know that so as to draw them in. That’s what the French do, and I’d like us to be a bit more French about it.

Do you think there’s one point in your elec­tion pro­gramme that at­tracted the most votes? Could it be the one about gain­ing “in­dus­trial mus­cle”?

I think that was an im­por­tant issue. Peo­ple were very wor­ried and we saw that maybe we should focus more on that. I don’t know why we won; they trusted us. Also, due to our ex­pe­ri­ence, as I have a lot, both in the Span­ish acad­emy, where I was vice-pres­i­dent for six years, and the Cata­lan one.

What will you do to gain “in­dus­trial mus­cle”?

With the Àgora Gaudí [train­ing pro­gramme], with the res­i­dences, with fi­nan­cial sup­port and hard work, we hope this will help cre­ate new scripts and that these will be de­vel­oped in greater depth. We’ll have mas­ter­classes, in­ter­na­tional cast­ing agents... These are small things that can help. Now, the im­por­tant work in re­cov­er­ing in­dus­trial mus­cle is not some­thing we should or want to do our­selves. First, the pro­duc­ers have to do it, the Proa and PAC as­so­ci­a­tions are fight­ing in that re­gard, and there are all the other as­so­ci­a­tions. Ob­vi­ously we, as rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the whole sec­tor, will be there, talk­ing to the in­sti­tu­tions, both here in Cat­alo­nia and in Madrid, putting on pres­sure and in­sist­ing, talk­ing to every­one... We all share the same aims.

What do you think about the new Span­ish au­dio­vi­sual law that will reg­u­late plat­forms?

Like every­one else in Cat­alo­nia, I think it’s fan­tas­tic that a cer­tain per­cent­age of pro­duc­tion is pro­tected here. I think it should be higher, I don’t know why France and Ger­many can ask for a higher per­cent­age of pro­duc­tion in their lan­guage. Also, it’s worth not­ing that we have four of­fi­cial lan­guages here, and there are quo­tas for each of them.

Will you keep the spe­cific prize for films in the orig­i­nal Cata­lan ver­sion, of which there are again very few this year?

At the mo­ment yes. This is a topic that needs to be dis­cussed with aca­d­e­mics. This year, we have not made any changes to the rules of the Gaudí Awards be­cause we didn’t have time to con­sult the as­sem­bly. But ob­vi­ously, for next year, this and many other things will be dis­cussed: the act­ing awards [whether we con­tinue to dis­tin­guish be­tween ac­tors and ac­tresses], new awards we might want to in­clude...

Do you have a po­si­tion on the spe­cific award for films in Cata­lan or do you just want to open a de­bate on the sub­ject?

We want to open the de­bate. The idea I have is per­sonal to me, it’s mty point of viewn. I hope there’ll be more films in Cata­lan next year, what we can’t have is that there are so few. In­ter­est­ingly, the ones that are there are very strong, they’ve been to fes­ti­vals and won many awards, but it’s a pity that we don’t have more.

Are you mak­ing plans for four years or look­ing fur­ther ahead?

Four years! I can only be there for four years, I was on the pre­vi­ous board for four more years, I was the sec­re­tary, and that will add up to eight years. I think there are a lot of things that can be done in four years and we’ll get them ready so the next board can im­ple­ment them.

The pre­vi­ous pres­i­dent com­plained about TV3 a lot. Do you feel the same?

Our po­si­tion is ba­si­cally to lis­ten to the in­dus­try. Ob­vi­ously, TV3 needs more fi­nan­cial sup­port. We al­ways give the ex­am­ple of 10 years ago, when TV3 was the main­stay of our pro­duc­tions. It was the year of Pa negre, a film of mine, Elisa K, and other pro­duc­tions... We need to go back to that TV3, which not only had the big pro­duc­tions, but also the most au­teur films like Caracre­mada or Aíta. TV3 has far less fi­nan­cial sup­port now and this means that they can­not be the main sup­port for Cata­lan cin­ema. How can we sup­port it? We don’t know. This is an issue that needs to be ad­dressed as well.

Is giv­ing the Pepón Coromina Award to Cin­ema en Curs an ex­am­ple of the im­por­tance the new board wants to give to ed­u­ca­tion?

It was a co­in­ci­dence [laughs], a jury de­cides, but when they told me I was very happy about it, be­cause we’re very com­mit­ted to this type of ed­u­ca­tional pro­ject. Drac Màgic are hon­orary mem­bers and now this award for Cin­ema en Curs. One of the im­por­tant pro­jects of our can­di­dacy for which we al­ready have a com­mis­sion, and we are work­ing on it, is ed­u­ca­tion and film. We hope to have the sup­port of the Min­istries of Ed­u­ca­tion and Cul­ture. Cin­ema en Curs works, and won­der­fully well: they ed­u­cate new au­di­ences, they teach them to see an­other type of film... They teach them to watch. We’re very happy with the award, it feels like a state­ment of in­tent.

in­ter­view FILM

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