
A tram through Llobregat

The TRAM Route returns for another year to invite visitors to discover the emblematic landmarks in the Baix Llobregat area

“The TRAM Route is interesting because it’s targeted at local visitors” SINCE 2015, SOME HALF A MILLION PEOPLE HAVE VISITED THE ROUTE WEBSITE


A com­fort­able, sus­tain­able, fast and fun way to do fam­ily tourism: the Tram Route through Baix Llo­bre­gat, which is back for an­other year to pro­mote the tourist, cul­tural and gas­tro­nomic at­trac­tions of the area near Barcelona, as well as of­fer­ing dis­counts to visit the points of in­ter­est close to the Tram­baix tram net­work (lines T1, T2 and T3).

You can enjoy, for ex­am­ple, ac­tiv­i­ties for the lit­tle ones in the Mu­se­ums of Es­plugues (Can Tin­turé and La Ra­jo­leta), visit the Mu­seum of Math­e­mat­ics, the Agbar and take a trip on the train in the Can Mer­cader park in Cor­nellà de Llo­bre­gat. You can also dis­cover the mod­ernist work of Josep Maria Jujol in Sant Joan Despí – this year the city is launch­ing an in­ter­ac­tive ex­pe­ri­ence called 360 –, the Walden build­ing and the St. Just Desvern air-raid shel­ter, the Palau Falguera, and the mod­ernist route in Sant Feliu de Llo­bre­gat.

And all of this is com­ple­mented by great food op­tions in Baix Llo­bre­gats’ mar­kets and restau­rants, stocked with lo­cally sourced prod­ucts bear­ing the Fresh Prod­uct seal of the Baix Llo­bre­gat Agri­cul­tural Park.

“The TRAM Route is in­ter­est­ing be­cause it’s tar­geted at local vis­i­tors, which high­lights the cul­tural, nat­ural and gas­tro­nomic at­trac­tions of the re­gion and, a very im­por­tant point, it en­cour­ages the use of pub­lic trans­port. For the Tourism Con­sor­tium, the com­mit­ment to sus­tain­able tourism is es­sen­tial, and cam­paigns like this en­dorse our com­mit­ment to pro­mot­ing the sus­tain­able con­sump­tion of local prod­ucts and the use of pub­lic trans­port,” says Gemma Rodríguez, Baix Llo­bre­gat’s coun­cil­lor of tourism.

The route has cer­tainly proved to be pop­u­lar. Since its in­cep­tion in 2015, some half a mil­lion peo­ple have vis­ited the route web­site in­ter­ested in plan­ning a day out.

“Its suc­cess is mainly due to the ease, com­fort and sat­is­fac­tion of dis­cov­er­ing unique and amaz­ing places so close to home. It must be said that the dis­counts of­fered by the route for the main at­trac­tions on the route are also an im­por­tant in­cen­tive for the local pub­lic. In ad­di­tion, the route fits per­fectly with new con­sump­tion habits and peo­ple’s healthy lifestyles, which have evolved into a cul­ture of local con­sump­tion, ap­pre­ci­a­tion for local cul­ture and her­itage, ac­tiv­i­ties in the open air and the re­duc­tion of the car­bon foot­print on the re­gion,” adds the coun­cil­lor.


Walden 7 building
This emblematic building in Sant Just Desvern is by the Taller d’Arquitectura studio headed by Ricardo Bofill. The building consists of 18 adjacent towers that rise from its base to form a curved profile. The result is a vertical labyrinth with seven inner courtyards connected vertically and horizontally, while its alleys and corridors are named after great personalities from the 20th century.
Can Mercader park train
One of the attractions in Can Mercader park in Cornellà de Llobregat is the train that passing over bridges and under tunnels. The train is always growing as the Friends of the Cornellà Railway Club continue to build new locomotives. The price is two euros per person.
Jujol itinerary
You can also discover the modernist work of Josep Maria Jujol in Sant Joan Despí. Mainly known for his work on Antoni Gaudí’s iconic works, for Jujol, Sant Joan Despí acted as a laboratory. The Jujol Can Negre Centre offers the Jujol itinerary, where you can visit his two modernist houses with a guide.
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