Food & Wine

Wine cellar. ANNA VICENS

Wine route through L’Empordà

In the morn­ing:

Celler Viníric (Ca­longe, Baix Em­pordà)

The Viníric win­ery ap­plies a va­ri­ety of forms of knowl­edge, from tra­di­tional meth­ods – such as mon­i­tor­ing the lunar phases and the use of nat­ural fer­tilis­ers – to the most in­no­v­a­tive tech­niques. Evo­lu­tion and ex­per­i­men­ta­tion are their work­ing style.

Celler Viníric have eight hectares of vine­yards under cul­ti­va­tion and four more in the process of plant­ing. The pro­tag­o­nists are the in­dige­nous grape va­ri­eties: red and white grenache, xarel.​lo, macabeu, monas­trell, sirah and the local tem­pranillo grape Ull de Lle­bre.

Only two peo­ple are in charge of the pro­ject – David Saave­dra, owner, viti­cul­tur­ist and pro­ducer at Viníric, with the help of viti­cul­tur­ist Jordi Ed­uard Gar­cia. They are two young, pas­sion­ate peo­ple, who are in love with the land and the vine­yards.

Viníric also of­fers a route through their vine­yards in Ca­longe and the land­scape of the Baix Em­pordà, telling the cul­ture and his­tory of a town that has sur­vived the tourist boom of the Costa Brava. It in­cludes a walk through the vine­yards and the win­ery, a tast­ing of four wines and a tast­ing of olive oil from the es­tate.

The win­ery pro­duces high qual­ity wines, such as Fin­ques In­cans­ables, a 100 % nat­ural wine that has no blends, no mod­i­fi­ca­tion, no clar­i­fi­ca­tion, as well as the unique wine that is the pride of Viníric; Propòsit, which is el­e­gant and sub­tle. Vella Lola is fruity, fresh and dy­namic; Vella Lola Negre is bold, kind and bal­anced; Vella Lola Blanc is young, di­rect, aro­matic, and ex­pres­sive; Vella Lola Rosat is fruity and re­fresh­ing, made en­tirely with grenache grapes.

Arranged vis­its, for in­di­vid­u­als and groups.


Email: eno­tur­isme@​viniric.​cat

For lunch:

La Tav­erna de Cal Bar­ber (Ca­longe)

Pere Costa worked as a hair­dresser for more than 30 years. Spon­ta­neous, orig­i­nal and rest­less, he felt the need to make a change when he turned 50, and so he de­cide to go for it, sup­ported by a lov­ing fam­ily. His new life pro­ject is an orig­i­nal restau­rant with roots in Em­pordà, which cul­ti­vates re­spect for clients, the en­vi­ron­ment, and the land. La Tav­erna is a lively and au­then­tic venue, a great place to share dif­fer­ent mo­ments and ex­pe­ri­ences and taste tra­di­tional dishes from Em­pordà. Since Pere re­tired a few years ago, his daugh­ter, Berta has been in charge of the restau­rant.

Tel: 650 54 04 47

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