Food & Wine

Wine cellar. ANNA VICENS

Wine route through...Terra del cava

In the morn­ing:

Cava Berdié (Castellví de la Marca)

Cava Berdié is lo­cated in an in­com­pa­ra­ble set­ting in Penedès. It is here in Castellví de la Marca where the grapes of the Berdié vine­yards grow and ma­ture, all of them tra­di­tional va­ri­eties of the area.

In each glass of Berdié, you will find the aro­mas of the land­scape, the scent of the woods that sur­round the vine­yards, and the in­flu­ence of the Mediter­ranean Sea and the ca­ress­ing rays of the sun. There is also to be found the love and ef­fort of a fam­ily that strives to turn their vo­ca­tion into an art and a dif­fer­ent way of see­ing the world.

Cava Berdié is the prod­uct of the three Jo­vani sib­lings: Montsa, Robert and Sergi, who are moved by the pas­sion of the world of wine that their fa­ther Robert Jo­vani passed on to them. Only tra­di­tional va­ri­eties of Penedès grapes are used to make Berdié cava. Each of the grapes is vini­fied sep­a­rately under con­trolled tem­per­a­tures, then the blend is made, com­bin­ing the right pro­por­tion of each of the va­ri­eties to achieve a unique line of cava. The sec­ond fer­men­ta­tion takes place in the bot­tle, ac­cord­ing to the tra­di­tional method, be­fore the process ends with aging the cava in the un­der­ground cel­lar.

The Reserva cavas are aged for more than 18 months, and are: Cava Berdié Ru­pestre Extra Brut, Cava Berdié Amor Brut, Cava Berdié Amar Brut Na­ture, and Cava Berdié Fetish Brut. The Gran Reserva cavas are aged for over 30 months, and are: Cava Gran Na­ture 2010, Cava Gran Ru­pestre 2007 Extra Brut, and Cava Gran Vin­tage 2004 Extra Brut.

Guided vis­its for in­di­vid­u­als and groups can be arranged.

www.​cavaberdie.​com Tel: 93 891 97 35

For lunch:
Restau­rant Berdié (Castellví de la Marca)

After a break, Cava Berdié has restarted wine tourism. They have re­opened their doors and their won­der­ful ter­race above the vine­yards, set in a nat­ural en­vi­ron­ment where you can breathe in na­ture, cul­ture, gas­tron­omy, wine ... and, of course, cava. The win­ery of­fers an in­ter­est­ing ac­tiv­ity. You can spend a whole day in the win­ery with good food and drink as well as en­joy­ing the colours and smells of the tran­quil land­scape. The day starts at 11am with a sen­sory visit, where you get to try three Berdié cavas with three tapas. At lunchtime, there are three more Berdié cavas to try and a very at­trac­tive menu. The lunch con­sists of two small starters, a first course, chef Sergi’s fan­tas­tic paella and a spec­tac­u­lar dessert, end­ing with cof­fee or tea.

Tel: 93 891 97 35

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