Food & Wine

Wine cellar. ANNA VICENS

Wine route through Costers del Segre

In the morn­ing:

Clos Pons (L’ Albagés, Lleida)

In L’Albagés, in the heart of Les Gar­rigues, the Pons fam­ily has man­aged to make con­sumers, som­me­liers and chefs all over the world fall in love with their oils, vine­gars and wines. It is a fam­ily busi­ness that has been evolv­ing since the 1930s, dur­ing the post-war pe­riod, when they began cul­ti­vat­ing ar­be­quina olive trees and plant­ing vines.

Their stated mis­sion is to pre­serve the legacy of an an­ces­tral land, whose soil lies on bedrock loaded with min­er­als, in a clean and pure en­vi­ron­ment and an ex­treme cli­mate. The gen­er­a­tions pass, but the earth al­ways re­mains and the fam­ily con­tin­ues to till the soil so that many more gen­er­a­tions can enjoy it in the fu­ture.

The rich­ness of their crops pro­duces wines and oils with ex­clu­sive aro­mas and tastes. Year after year, they work on in­no­vat­ing and im­prov­ing the pro­duc­tion processes. This ded­i­ca­tion al­lows them to offer an ex­cel­lent range of prod­ucts that be­come real gas­tro­nomic plea­sures when they reach the table. Their most pop­u­lar wines are Jan white and red, white Sisquella , the or­ganic red Alges, Pla del tet, Roc nu, and Clos Pons.

Call to book group and in­di­vid­ual guided vis­its.


Tel: 973 730 525

For lunch:
La Boscana (Bellvís)

La Boscana is a restau­rant lo­cated in the mid­dle of the Lleida plain. It is an eatery with a tra­di­tional style of cui­sine, but also one that does not re­ject in­no­va­tion. Their dishes are made with pro­duce of the high­est qual­ity. It is also a restau­rant that re­spects his­tory, the en­vi­ron­ment, tech­nique and tra­di­tions.

Joël Cas­tanyé Daniel, the restau­rant’s ex­ec­u­tive chef and owner since 2009, is the youngest of the three Cas­tanyé broth­ers. He stud­ied at Llieda’s School of Hos­pi­tal­ity and Tourism and at the Uni­ver­sity School of Hos­pi­tal­ity and Tourism in Sant Pol de Mar. He has also worked in pres­ti­gious es­tab­lish­ments, such as Jean-Louis Ne­ichel’s Ne­ichel restau­rant, Xavier Pel­licer’s Àbac Restau­rant and Bulli Cater­ing.

Joel and his fam­ily opened the doors of La Boscana in space that boasts more than 50,000 square me­tres of gar­dens and din­ing space that to­gether offer an ex­clu­sive venue for en­joy­ing con­tem­po­rary Cata­lan cui­sine.

In No­vem­ber 2014, Joel opened a gas­tro­nomic restau­rant in La Boscana and two years later, in 2016, he re­ceived a Miche­lin star.


Tel: 973 565 575

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