Food & Wine


Text: CUINA MAGAZINE Photo: Anna García Frigola

Ripoll’s sweet caresses

The pastries known as 'moixaines' are one of the city’s emblematic delicacies

Sweet ca­resses could be the best way to trans­late moix­aines, tra­di­tional pas­tries as­so­ci­ated with the city of Ripoll, the cap­i­tal of Ripollés county in Girona province. Made with thin sheets of wafer made from a dough of milk, al­monds, sugar and flour, the pas­tries are fash­ioned into small cylin­ders with their ends tucked in and stuffed with an al­mond and hazel­nut paste. Baked in the oven, moix­aines have a crispy ex­te­rior that con­trasts with the soft creamy stuff­ing in­side.

Al­though the moix­aines de Ripoll we know today began ap­pear­ing in local Ripoll pas­try shops in the 20th cen­tury, their ori­gins have been traced to del­i­ca­cies as far back as the 9th cen­tury, which were made to ho­n­our Saint Eu­dald. Ac­cord­ing to tra­di­tion, Eu­dald was born in the 5th cen­tury in Lom­bardy, al­though local tra­di­tion in Ripoll puts his birth­place as Toulouse. After con­vert­ing to Chris­tian­ity and be­com­ing a priest, Eu­dald was sup­pos­edly mar­tyred by the Ger­manic peo­ples known as the Van­dals, who con­quered the Iber­ian Penin­sula after the fall of the Roman Em­pire. Eu­dald of­fi­cially be­came Ripoll’s pa­tron saint in 1004, after a pro­ces­sion of his holy relics sup­pos­edly brought a drought to an end. Plaça Sant Eu­dald in Ripoll is the site of a church built in 1054 that no longer stands.

Today, moix­aines are one of Ripoll’s most em­blem­atic del­i­ca­cies and can be found in local pas­try shops all year round. De­spite their high sugar con­tent mak­ing them a del­i­cacy to be en­joyed only oc­ca­sion­ally, moix­aines have ben­e­fi­cial health prop­er­ties due to the fats and high qual­ity pro­teins they con­tain from the al­monds they are made with.

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