

Isabel Allende’s latest novel deals with two tragedies 34 years apart: the defeat in the Spanish Civil War and the 1973 coup in Chile. The Catalans Víctor and Roser, her main characters, link both disasters.

The book’s title comes from a line in a Neruda poem to de­scribe Chile it­self. Pablo Neruda is a pres­ence through­out the novel, his verses quoted at the head of each chap­ter and the man him­self ap­pear­ing sev­eral times. As a diplo­mat, Neruda or­gan­ised the evac­u­a­tion on the cargo ship Win­nipeg of 2,000 Span­ish refugees from Bor­deaux to Val­paraiso at the end of the Civil War. Víctor and Roser owe their lives to the Win­nipeg ini­tia­tive. Al­lende writes in her pref­ace: “This is a story of dis­place­ment and love, of sor­row and hope, of a cou­ple try­ing to find their place in a world in sham­bles, torn apart by vi­o­lence.”

Cata­lan Re­pub­li­cans

The novel runs from 1936 to 1989 and ranges from Teruel and Cat­alo­nia dur­ing the Civil War to a French prison camp, exile in Chile and refuge in Venezuela. Roser is the kind of strong and in­tel­li­gent woman fa­mil­iar to read­ers of Al­lende nov­els: ide­alised per­haps, but at­trac­tive. She started life as a bare­foot, il­lit­er­ate goatherd and ended up an ac­com­plished pi­anist. Víctor is a doc­tor and the brother of Guillem, the fa­ther of her child. After Guillem is killed in the War, Víctor and Roser make a mar­riage of con­ve­nience to get onto the Win­nipeg. Over the years this arrange­ment turns into a great love story.

The book takes time to get going. The first part suf­fers from too much back­ground ex­po­si­tion. Al­lende has done her re­search into the Span­ish Civil War, but it is heav­ily worn. Here’s an ex­am­ple:

“The con­ser­v­a­tives and Catholic Church, who had in­vested money, pro­pa­ganda and apoc­a­lypse ser­mons… were de­feated… by the Pop­u­lar Front, a coali­tion of left-wing par­ties.” (p.15)

In this sort of sen­tence, she fails to tell her story through her char­ac­ters and/or leave her read­ers to find out the back­ground facts for our­selves. The first part also con­tains some stodgy, clichéd writ­ing, sur­pris­ing in some­one so skilled, such as “the cheer­ful, valiant Basque who had wit­nessed so much death and suf­fer­ing…” (p.59).

As her story moves to Chile, it be­comes much surer-footed. Al­lende in­tro­duces the del Solar fam­ily who will act through­out the novel as a right-wing foil to Roser and Víctor. How­ever, she is not Manichean in her com­par­i­son of Chilean con­ser­v­a­tives and Cata­lan re­pub­li­cans. She is sub­tler in two ways: her char­ac­ters are rarely one-di­men­sional and they change over the decades.

Fas­cism and Fem­i­nism

Both the capri­cious Ofe­lia and her brother Fe­lipe del Solar are brought up in con­ser­v­a­tive, tra­di­tion­al­ist val­ues. Ofe­lia fi­nally runs up against the re­al­i­ties of women’s po­si­tion and her beauty and care­free van­ity are crushed. Fe­lipe sup­ports the Pinochet coup, but is then dis­gusted by the dic­ta­tor­ship’s ex­cesses. Juana, the stub­born ser­vant of the del Solar fam­ily, and Laura the weak mother are also pow­er­ful por­traits. What Al­lende achieves well are not just these mem­o­rable stand-alone char­ac­ters, but the re­la­tion­ships be­tween the mem­bers of this fam­ily: the fa­ther Isidro both dotes on Ofe­lia and mis­treats her; Juana and Fe­lipe are close – the ser­vant still calls him ‘niño’ even when he is 80 years old; more con­ven­tion­ally, the dis­hon­est Fa­ther Urbina dom­i­nates Laura with his pious re­pres­sion.

It is in these char­ac­ters, par­tic­u­larly the women but not only, and in the long sweep of her plot that Al­lende shows her strengths. The novel in­cludes sev­eral real char­ac­ters: the “so en­er­getic, de­ter­mined, and in­som­niac” Sal­vador Al­lende, with whom Víctor plays chess at night; Neruda, whom Is­abel Al­lende adores and catches very con­vinc­ingly (though she side­steps his Stal­in­ist prej­u­dice when choos­ing who could board the Win­nipeg); and the Swiss nurse Elis­a­beth Ei­den­benz, the founder of the Ma­ter­nity Home at Elne, with whom Víctor falls in love dur­ing the Civil War. Roser’s baby is born at Elne: in the con­cen­tra­tion camp on the beach at Argelès, nei­ther mother nor baby had much chance of sur­vival.

Po­lit­i­cally, Al­lende is on the side of the an­gels. She is fem­i­nist and anti-racist. Franco and Pinochet are anath­ema to her, but she does not write Pol­i­tics with a cap­i­tal P. Eco­nomic and po­lit­i­cal analy­ses are not her in­ter­est. Psy­chol­ogy and emo­tions are her focus. Her mis­ery that Sal­vador Al­lende’s at­tempt to bring so­cial­ism to Chile was de­stroyed un­der­lies the story, as a con­stant un­ex­pressed lament. Is­abel Al­lende is a sen­ti­men­tal writer, adept at tug­ging at her read­ers’ heart­strings, but this does not mean she fal­si­fies emo­tion. She tells the sto­ries of peo­ple de­feated by war and fas­cism, but tri­umphant in their per­sonal lives. Víctor and Roser, even Ofe­lia, are not per­ma­nently crushed, as they en­dure to old age and some self-knowl­edge.


A Long Petal of the Sea Author: Isabel Allende Translator: Amanda Hopkinson & Nick Caistor Pages: 318 Publisher: Bloomsbury (2020)

Passionate Reactions

Isabel Allende burst on the literary scene in 1982 with La casa de los espíritus, a powerful story of several generations of a Chilean family, which became a worldwide bestseller. The broad canvas of La casa de los espíritus, the condemnation and explanation of the Pinochet dictatorship and the use of historical figures like Neruda and Salvador Allende are repeated in A Long Petal of the Sea. She has published 26 books, and is the Spanish language’s most popular living author, with 75 million books sold.

Is she any good, though? She inspires passionate reactions. Her compatriot Roberto Bolaño couldn’t stand her and savaged her writing; her myriad readers adore her. The hatred (not too strong a word) she arouses has much to do with envy; and with intellectual snobbery. Her novels confound critics because they stand on the border between popular, middle-brow writing and sophisticated, psychological literature. .

Allende was born in Lima in 1942. Before becoming a full-time writer, she worked for the UN, then as a teacher and journalist. Her life under threat, she went into exile in 1975, first to Venezuela, then California, where she has lived ever since. She has said that she feels guilty for leaving Chile: perhaps she should have stayed to fight Pinochet. Yet had she stayed, she says, she would not have become a writer.

She had two children in the 1960s with her first of three husbands. Her daughter died of porphyria in 1992, which inspired her to write the autobiographical Paula (1994).

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