

Catalan government to get ATLL keys

The Catalan government expects the multinational company Acciona to hand over the facilities and management of the Barcelona water supplier Aigües Ter Llobregat (ATLL) over the next few days. Last week the company sent a letter to the Department of Territory confirming that the company would be handed over after the High Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) rejected Acciona’s petition to keep hold of the reigns until the litigation on the liquidation of the company had been resolved.

In the court ruling, the judge said that any damages could be rectified a posteriori. Once these petitions had been dismissed, Acciona indicated that they were ready to discuss handing over the keys to the Catalan government.

But Acciona, it seems, are still pushing for compensation, and are asking for a total of 1.047 billion for the loss of the water supply concession.

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