
“Two million pro-indy voters won’t simply vanish”

Cata­lan Vice Pres­i­dent Pere Aragonès ad­dressed the Span­ish pres­i­dent, Pedro Sànchez, yes­ter­day, as­sert­ing that if he “wants to guar­an­tee the sta­bil­ity of the Span­ish gov­ern­ment, he will have to face up to ne­go­ti­at­ing a po­lit­i­cal so­lu­tion to the cri­sis in Cat­alo­nia”. Aragonès, stand­ing in for Quim Torra, who is tour­ing the EU, said it was “not im­pos­si­ble” that pro-in­de­pen­dence par­ties would vote down Span­ish bud­get pro­pos­als in Con­gress, and said it “ab­solutely is im­pos­si­ble that two mil­lion pro-in­de­pen­dence vot­ers are sim­ply going to van­ish”.

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