

Top editor Claudio López dies aged 59

The ed­i­to­r­ial di­rec­tor of Pen­guin Ran­dom House, Clau­dio López Lamadrid, died of a stroke in a Barcelona hos­pi­tal on Fri­day night at the age of 59. López had been the ed­i­to­r­ial di­rec­tor of Pen­guin Ran­dom House since 2000, a post in which he led pub­lish­ing strate­gies and pro­jects for the com­pany in Spain and Latin Amer­ica. Be­fore that he worked for 10 years at Tus­quets Ed­i­tores and the Círculo de Lec­tores, through the Galaxia Guten­berg pub­lish­ers. In 1997 he was ap­pointed lit­er­ary di­rec­tor of Gri­jalbo, which would be later taken over by Mon­dadori, and for which he built up a cat­a­logue of pres­ti­gious au­thors that in­cluded the likes of David Fos­ter Wal­lace, Gabriel García Márquez and Philip Roth.

López also trans­lated and pub­lished Nobel prizewin­ning au­thors, such as J. M. Co­et­zee and Amos Oz, and he was cred­ited with dis­cov­er­ing such writ­ers as César Aira and Javier Cer­cas.

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