

Far-right’s rhetoric is ’toxic’ in Bundestag

“Some col­leagues are gen­uinely scared”, said Clau­dia Roth, the vice-pres­i­dent of the Bun­destag, in yes­ter­day’s Rheinis­che Post. The ap­pear­ance of the Al­ter­na­tive for Ger­many (AfD) party in the cham­ber, last year, has changed the rules of par­lia­men­tary be­hav­iour. “It is an anti-de­mo­c­ra­tic, au­thor­i­tar­ian party,” which has re­sorted to a “ver­bal ag­gres­sive­ness” hith­erto un­seen, said Roth. 

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