
Observers to attend trial

New platform called “International Trial Watch - Catalan Referendum Case” has been launched to monitor the Catalan Referendum trial.

A group of Cata­lan or­ga­ni­za­tions de­fend­ing the rights and free­doms of cit­i­zens launched the In­ter­na­tional Trial Watch - Cata­lan Ref­er­en­dum Case plat­form yes­ter­day. This plat­form hopes to or­ga­nize the pres­ence of na­tional and in­ter­na­tional ob­servers dur­ing the trial of sup­port­ers of Cata­lan in­de­pen­dence at the supreme court. The names of the dif­fer­ent peo­ple and or­ga­ni­za­tions to par­tic­i­pate have not been re­leased, but ap­par­ently peo­ple are ex­pected “from the Mediter­ranean, Eu­rope and Latin Amer­ica”. The plat­form also called for do­na­tions to make mon­i­tor­ing the trial pos­si­ble.

The or­ga­ni­za­tions pro­mot­ing the plat­form are: No­vact, the Cata­lan As­so­ci­a­tion for the De­fense of Human Rights, the In­sti­tute of Human Rights of Cat­alo­nia, the Ob­ser­va­tory of the Penal Sys­tem and Human Rights of the Uni­ver­sity of Barcelona, the Col·lec­tiu Praga and the Irídia Cen­ter for the De­fense of Human Rights. Their web­site (avail­able at www.​int​erna​cion​latr​ialw​acht.​org) con­tains files re­lat­ing to the case, in­clud­ing the doc­u­ment ac­cus­ing nine po­lit­i­cal pris­on­ers of the crime of re­bel­lion, and six more for the em­bez­zle­ment of pub­lic funds and dis­obe­di­ence.

Crim­i­nal lawyer Anaïs Fran­quesa said the plat­form has three branches: the first in­volves about twenty aca­d­e­mics from all over Spain who are to pro­duce a re­port on pro­ce­dural rights and the non-ex­is­tence of the crime of re­bel­lion; the sec­ond in­volves human rights de­fend­ers who are to an­a­lyze whether civil and po­lit­i­cal rights vi­o­la­tions are tak­ing place; the third group is made up of lawyers who will be mon­i­tor­ing the trial through­out.

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