Food & Wine

Wine cellar. ANNA VICENS

Wine route through Conca de Barberà

In the morn­ing:

Car­la­nia Celler (Bar­berà de la Conca, Tar­rag­ona)

The Car­la­nia Celler is a fam­ily win­ery that for many years had fol­lowed the tra­di­tion of grow­ing grapes on the fam­ily prop­erty and sell­ing them to the Bar­berà agri­cul­tural co­op­er­a­tive. In 2007, the fam­ily began to carry out tests with home-grown style wines and fi­nally de­cided to join forces with the Viver de Cel­leristes de Bar­berà de la Conca. This is a pi­o­neer­ing ini­tia­tive in the coun­try, a pro­ject that brings tra­di­tion and the fu­ture to­gether, and which has helped them to be­come part of the fas­ci­nat­ing world of Cata­lan wine.

At the end of 2009, their first step was to build a small win­ery in the same vil­lage. The vine­yards, cer­ti­fied and reg­is­tered by the CCPAE (Con­sell Català de la Pro­ducció Agrària Ecològica), are lo­cated be­tween 400 and 500 me­tres above sea level and pro­duce fresh and sin­gu­lar fruits. The vines are grown on sep­a­rate prop­er­ties and each one has its own par­tic­u­lar­ity. The cel­lar has cho­sen bio­dy­namic agri­cul­ture and this has helped them to un­der­stand that wine must be true to it­self, with its own par­tic­u­lar­i­ties and unique­ness.

An­other of its char­ac­ter­is­tics is that from the be­gin­ning they opted for the trepat va­ri­ety, the va­ri­ety na­tive to the Conca de Bar­berà and this has be­come al­most a trade mark of the label.

Car­la­nia wines are fer­mented with­out added yeast or en­zymes ei­ther dur­ing vini­fi­ca­tion or in the aging process. The wines are not fil­tered or clar­i­fied, and as a re­sult the bot­tles con­tain some nat­ural sed­i­ment. Each bot­tle is unique and dif­fer­ent from the oth­ers. The win­ery or­gan­ises vis­its for in­di­vid­u­als and groups.


For lunch:
Sant Francesc (Mont­blanc, Tar­rag­ona)

The Sant Francesc restau­rant was opened in 2015 by the chef, Car­los Barneda, and is lo­cated in an old con­vent in the his­toric cen­tre of Mont­blanc. The land­scape, ar­chi­tec­ture and cui­sine com­bine his­tory and moder­nity, tra­di­tion and in­no­va­tion, with con­tem­po­rary Cata­lan cui­sine.

The real pro­tag­o­nists of the kitchen are local, high qual­ity, sea­sona food prod­ucts and that is noted in the aro­mas, the flavours and the pre­sen­ta­tion of the dishes when they ar­rive at the table. The restau­rant of­fers tapa menus, tast­ing menus and spe­cial hol­i­day menus, along­side the daily fare and there are also cook­ing work­shops and cook­ing par­ties.

Tel: 977 875 185

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