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Igualada (Anoia, Barcelona).

Elisabet Serra

Elis­a­bet was born in Igual­ada in 1986, prob­a­bly with a pen­cil in her hand. As a lit­tle girl, she vis­ited Plarin Bayés with her par­ents and fas­ci­nated by her work, she de­cided to be­come an il­lus­tra­tor. A grad­u­ate in Fine Arts and pas­sion­ate about the world of chil­dren, she has given draw­ing and paint­ing work­shops at li­braries, schools and arts cen­tres. Her char­ac­ters fill sto­ries, books, posters and walls, and she has two new books on the way: Mig ador­mits and Quin cacau!

1. A pen­cil: I al­ways have one with me. I do my draw­ings by hand, I like to main­tain that tra­di­tion, al­though I use the com­puter more often to fin­ish the il­lus­tra­tions.

2. Com­puter and Wacom tablet: the tools I use to fin­ish the draw­ings. Also, I al­ways use the com­puter to lis­ten to music when I work, es­pe­cially Cata­lan rock and rumba.

3. One of my cats: I love an­i­mals! I live with two of them, Miquel and Jan. I think of them as my co-work­ers. When I’m work­ing, here at the desk, the table, at the key­board... they’re al­ways there.

4. My grandma: I al­ways have her photo by the com­puter; she’s been a very spe­cial per­son for me. I spent part of my child­hood with her and we shared many mo­ments to­gether, filled with so much magic. Grand­par­ents... are spe­cial.

5. Brushes and paints: I pre­fer the Es­coda brand, made in Sabadell. One thing I re­ally love about my work is when they paint mu­rals in schools, ac­tiv­ity cen­tres, work­shops... The world of chil­dren is my other pas­sion, I like how they see the world and maybe that’s why I do chil­dren’s draw­ings. I re­ally like these mo­ments when I visit and share things with the chil­dren, they ex­plain things, they ask ques­tions, you learn a lot from them! I use wa­ter­colours for my per­sonal pro­jects and for more spe­cial oc­ca­sions, oth­er­wise I use nor­mal acrylic paints.

6. Cof­fee: in­dis­pens­able for work and to start the day. There’s al­ways a cup of cof­fee with oat milk on my desk.

7. Colours: I love colours, I don’t think I could live with­out them, (laughs). They’re an es­sen­tial part of my draw­ings, which al­ways in­clude lots of dif­fer­ent colours - es­pe­cially turquoise!

8. Tick­ets and pass­port: I like to move around, and some­times I have to get around by bus or train for work. Travel al­lows me to get to know other places and dif­fer­ent cul­tures and I often in­cor­po­rate them into my il­lus­tra­tions.

9. Note­books: I al­ways use note­books and notepads to make sketches, or take them on trips to take quick notes of things that I see and like.

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