Food & Wine

Wine cellar. ANNA VICENS

Wine route through...Priorat

In the morn­ing:

San­genís i Vaqué (Por­rera, Tar­rag­ona)

Pere San­genís and Conxita Vaqué first began to plant vines in the Por­rera area in 1978, on some land owned by Conxita’s fam­ily and where a vine­yard al­ready ex­isted, dat­ing back to the year 1700. The op­er­a­tion is based in the same cel­lar where they began pro­duc­ing their first wines in 1979. The win­ery com­bines fam­ily tra­di­tion with new trends, thanks to the in­cor­po­ra­tion into the fam­ily busi­ness of their two daugh­ters, Maria and Núria.

Planted on the fa­mous “licorella” slate that is com­mon to Pri­o­rat, the vines are planted along gravel ter­races, in plan­ta­tions that might bee dif­fi­cult to work but that also pos­sess great vi­sual beauty.

The har­vest is car­ried out by hand, col­lect­ing only the grapes from their 13-hectare fam­ily es­tate when the fruit reaches its op­ti­mal ma­tu­rity. After fer­men­ta­tion, the wines are put into French Al­lier oak bar­rels (85%) and Amer­i­can oak (15%) and sit for the time needed to age be­fore being bot­tled.

The wines are typ­i­cal of the two va­ri­eties of the area, Gar­nacha and Carinyena, to­gether with some Caber­net Sauvi­gnon, Mer­lot and Syrah.

Any visit be­gins with a brief in­tro­duc­tion to the Pri­o­rat re­gion, wine prepa­ra­tion and aging, while vis­it­ing the dif­fer­ent rooms of the win­ery and ends with a wel­come wine-tast­ing

Vis­its for in­di­vid­u­als or groups by reser­va­tion.


Tel: 977 82 82 52

For lunch:
Cal Car­lets (Por­rera, Tar­rag­ona)

Cal Car­lets opened in the sum­mer of 2007 but the restau­rant has grown some­what since then. The eatery of­fers good home-cooked cui­sine with a wide range of tapas and care­fully pre­pared dishes. The daily lunch menu is sup­ple­mented by a choice of dishes, such as pork with beans and local bo­ti­farra, as well as sal­ads made with sea­sonal prod­ucts, and all kinds of grilled meats.

The restau­rant is lo­cated in Por­rera, one of the most em­blem­atic towns in the Pri­o­rat re­gion and it boasts some won­der­ful views of the local area.

The friendly and at­ten­tive ser­vice goes hand-in-hand with great value for money, while the wine list of­fers an ex­ten­sive of­fer­ing of Pri­o­rat wines.

Tel: 977 82 82 68

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