
Jordi Roca

Best pastry chef in the world (2014)

‘Everything is there to be discovered‘

It’s hard to say whether desserts are cookery or not. Desserts often straddle that threshold between the conceptual and the frivolous, but what is certain is that tHEY can end up making your day

You are the sub­ject of an episode of the lat­est sea­son of the Net­flix show ‘Chef’s Table’, which is de­voted to pas­try chefs.
Desserts are that sweet part of the meal that is hard to say whether it is cook­ery or not. It often strad­dles that thresh­old be­tween the con­cep­tual and the friv­o­lous, but what is cer­tain is that it can end up mak­ing your day. It’s some­thing that can in­ter­est the diner and wake them up by com­bin­ing three es­sen­tial el­e­ments: provo­ca­tion, sur­prise and tech­nique.
On the pro­gramme, you say you weren’t sure you wanted to go into the food busi­ness, but your broth­ers, both more than 10 years your se­nior, ex­pected you to one day get in­volved.
They knew how to wait and give me space. They have played an in­cred­i­ble role and knew how to get the best out of me, how to make me think. I re­mem­ber, for ex­am­ple, that Josep would bring me new prod­ucts and would en­cour­age me to in­clude them in my dishes. He chal­lenged me and stim­u­lated me into open­ing new paths. And Joan would al­ways take me to con­gresses to in­tro­duce me to the world of cook­ery.
How did meet­ing Damian All­sop in­flu­ence your ca­reer?
At the time I worked the sum­mers in a kitchen where there were only four of us. A young team in which I was the younger brother of the two bosses. It was not ideal be­cause one way or the other I wasn’t treated the same as the oth­ers. When Damian ar­rived as pas­try chef it was a shock. He was some­one from abroad, an Eng­lish­man, who knew a lot and who, un­like most, had not stud­ied in the Hostelry School. In other words, with­out fil­ters. We es­tab­lished an amaz­ing part­ner­ship. He didn’t let me get away with any­thing, he pushed me and he chal­lenged me and showed me things no one else had. He made me fall in love with the pro­fes­sion at a time when I didn’t think that much of desserts.
When All­sop had an ac­ci­dent and you had to take over as pas­try chef, you started de­vel­op­ing your first great desserts, such as ‘Vi­atge a l’Ha­vana’.
Yes, that was my first great cre­ation. Mak­ing smoke ed­i­ble was a bit of fun. Smoke is dis­gust­ing, and even more so in a kitchen. But try­ing it out was some­thing new and every­one would ask “What is that?” I didn’t know where it would take me but I knew it would open new paths, that it was fun and I liked doing it.
What dessert are you most proud of?
Every time I make a new one I try to make it the best dessert in his­tory and the world. This is my com­mit­ment and, ob­vi­ously, that I my­self am sat­is­fied with it. So, Ba­nana a la car­bonara, my lat­est cre­ation, I would say is the dessert I am most proud of.
Your cre­ations often have a ‘punk’ or ‘pop’ feel about them. What in­flu­ences you most?
It may seem like a cliché but what­ever moves me, what­ever I cre­ate an emo­tional link with. Eight years ago, when I pub­lished the book, Anarkia, a visit I made to the Tate Mod­ern gallery in Lon­don had a big ef­fect on me. I was amazed by the colours used by artists like Kandin­sky, and in which every line on the paint­ing made sense and trans­mit­ted emo­tion. I am not a big foot­ball fan, but when you see some of the things Messi does, you have to sur­ren­der to it, it is pure cre­ation! The more pop in­flu­ence –with ice creams like Helado os­curo, in­spired in Darth Vader, or the ice cream hand of the Kingslayer from Game of Thrones– can be seen more in the Ro­cam­bo­lesc ice cream shops.
How does it feel to see peo­ple trav­el­ling from all over the world just to come to Girona and visit your restau­rant, or even peo­ple from here mak­ing a spe­cial ef­fort just to taste your dishes?
It makes an im­pact; I still find it hard to be­lieve. Yet, it is also a dou­ble-edged sword, an extra pres­sure on you not to dis­ap­point. It forces you to con­stantly main­tain dis­ci­pline. When we changed premises, I felt a strong pres­sure, it upset me a lot and I had a bad time of it. Yet, I re­mem­ber that the heav­i­est pres­sure I have felt was when we were named the fifth-best restau­rant in the world. It was not even so bad when we were ranked first or when I was given the prize for the best pas­try chef in the world. But fifth, I don’t know why that was. When Joan rang me to tell me, my an­swer was: “And what now?” Not know­ing what to ex­pect cre­ates in­ter­nal con­fu­sion. The time peo­ple give you is the same whether they are from Anglès or from Aus­tralia. Peo­ple come here be­cause of what we are and the way we are. I know that now, and I am re­laxed and com­fort­able with it.
What are your lim­its?
Lim­its? You put your own lim­its. Ex­pe­ri­ence tells me you can al­ways do new things, every­thing is there to be dis­cov­ered. Every­thing we don’t know is there to find out.

food in­ter­view

Search for best chocolate

Jordi Roca’s latest challenge is to find the best cacao in the world. It is an ambitious project, sponsored by the BBVA bank and National Geographic, that will take the form of a documentary and book (jointly written with journalist Ignacio Medina) and will be timed to coincide with the opening of Roca’s new establishment, Casa Cacao (a chocolate workshop, a tasting area and boutique hotel). Roca’s chocolate factory project includes his mentor Damian Allsop and will be run by sister-in-law, Anna Payet. Jordi says the project came about from questions he had, such as “Could we make chocolate?” or “What are the techniques behind making chocolate?” To find the answers to these questions, the pastry chef went to the Amazon and Colombia. In Peru, he had contact with the Aguaruna people, a local tribe that harvests a type of wild cocoa native to the area. “We are in talks to buy the produce directly from them. That way we also contribute to fair trade, even if it ends up being more expensive. The consumer here will know they are contributing to improving the lives of many people,” he says. In fact, profits from the documentary and the book will go to an NGO that works in the area. Jordi Roca’s excitement about the project is clear and he promises it will end up in “extraordinary” chocolate we will be able to taste next year when Casa Cacao opens to the public.

Light at the end of the tunnel

Some eight years ago, Jordi Roca began suffering from cervical dystonia, which affects the movement of his neck and the rest of his vertebrae. Then, two years ago, he lost his voice through a bout of laryngitis, which left him in silence for a long period and still affects his voice. He says that doing the Netflix programme helped him talk about the illnesses that have affected his life so much. A recent trip to a specialist in Toronto has given him new hope: “I was told I could get better with a treatment consisting of a lot walking and exercises to stimulate the muscles of the diaphragm. So now I am focused on recovery as a priority. Jordi is thankful for “the luck” of being part of an “incredible team” and he says that he does not rule out completely recovering his former voice one day.

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