Food & Wine

Wine cellar. ANNA VICENS

Wine route through... Penedès

In the morn­ing:

Can Bas (Subi­rats)

Can Bas vine­yard has been pro­duc­ing wine con­tin­u­ously for over a thou­sand years. Proof is found in a doc­u­ment from the late 10th cen­tury that right next to Sant Joan Salerm church at Can Bas, ex­ist­ing vine­yards changed hands be­tween mem­bers of the Cata­lan me­dieval no­bil­ity.

The win­ery boasts cen­tury-old vines that yield a lim­ited har­vest but with very high qual­ity grapes; as well as young vines that bring light­ness and fresh­ness in the mak­ing of the wines; and ma­ture vines planted about 30 years ago, which give a serene char­ac­ter and ma­tu­rity to other wines as they age. The vine­yard cul­ti­vates dif­fer­ent va­ri­eties of na­tive and for­eign grapes for both red and white wines. Today, Can Bas has some 60.5 hectares of vine­yards in a lo­ca­tion prized for its streams, creeks and woods, es­sen­tial for the proper drainage of the vine­yards. The vine­yard pro­duces a va­ri­ety of wines:

L’Era is the name given to the youngers wines. Two whites, a Chardon­nay and a Xarel.​lo and a Caber­net Sauvi­gnon.

La Creu, re­fer­ring to the Sauvi­gnon Blanc vines planted in 1994.

La Capella, wines from Syrah vines planted more than 20 years ago and Caber­net Sauvi­gnon that are planted around the me­dieval chapel of Sant Joan Salerm.

La Ro­mana, these are red grapes that pro­duce a lim­ited pro­duc­tion due to the age of the vines. They are grown on the vine­yard named after the Roman ruins lo­cated close by: Via Au­gusta.

Mon­real: this wine ho­n­ours the fam­ily of farm­ers who after the phyl­lox­era dis­as­ter worked the vine­yards at Can Bas for more than a cen­tury. It is a heavy Caber­net Sauvi­gnon with char­ac­ter and com­plex­ity.

Guided tours for in­di­vid­u­als and groups.

http: www.​can-​bas.​com

Tel: 93 899 41 73

For lunch:

Cal Xim (Sant Pau d’Ordal)

The ex­cel­lent Cal Xim restau­rant is run by two broth­ers who offer good ser­vice, great value, and a gen­uine and pro­fes­sional wel­come. The key to the restau­rant’s suc­cess lies in its qual­ity prod­uct and rea­son­able prices, of­fer­ing sea­sonal Cata­lan cui­sine with most dishes cooked on the hot­plate and grill, which in­clude ar­ti­chokes, calçots, Cata­lan sausages, lamb and their fa­mous fresh bacon. The wine list is ex­ten­sive, with a good se­lec­tion of local vin­tage wines as well as the local cava.


Tel: 93 899 30 92

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