Food & Wine

Wine cellar. ANNA VICENS

Wine route through Penedès

In the morn­ing:

Raventós Rosell (Masquefa)

The Raventós Rosell win­ery began op­er­a­tions in 1985 with the mar­riage of Joan Raven­tos Rosell and Maria Car­men Fer­rer Val­lverdú. But Joan’s con­nec­tion to wine goes much fur­ther back to his child­hood when he was al­ready in­volved in the fam­ily vine­yards. His grand­fa­ther, Pere Raven­tos Varies was one of seven friends iron­i­cally known as “The Seven Sages of Greece”, all own­ers of vine­yards, and all hav­ing to face the ef­fects of the phyl­lox­era dis­as­ter.

The farm is lo­cated be­tween the towns of Masquefa and Sant Sadurní d’Anoia and has an area of ap­prox­i­mately 52 ha and grows the grapes for their own wines and caves. The vine­yards are lo­cated in a priv­i­leged po­si­tion be­tween the Mediter­ranean and the Gar­raf moun­tain of Montser­rat and pro­duce a Mediter­ranean cul­ture of wines that are healthy and rich in con­trasts, with chardon­nay, sauvi­gnon blanc, mer­lot, syrah, caber­net sauvi­gnon and pinot noir, among oth­ers.

Only re­cently, the com­pany has been re­struc­tured, with mod­ernised and op­ti­mised pro­duc­tion processes in search of de­vel­op­ment of the qual­ity of its wines and cava. With the ar­rival of a new part­ner, Es­cofet Rosell, the range of qual­ity wines has in­creased.

Guided tours, for groups and in­di­vid­u­als.

Tel. 93 772 52 51.​www.​rav​ento​sros​ell.​com

For lunch

Restau­rant Cal Pere del Maset (Sant Pau d’Ordal)

Cal Pere opened its doors in 1969 and is a land­mark in the area for its cui­sine that re­spects the full flavour of its fare, which is care­fully made with only the best prod­ucts.

The young chef gives pref­er­ence to sea­sonal pro­duce and, of course, pre­pares tra­di­tional Cata­lan dishes as well in­no­v­a­tive and cut­ting-edge de­lights. We rec­om­mend the pigs trot­ters carpac­cio, the xa­ton­ada (typ­i­cal en­dive salad with an­chovies and romesco sauce), ox­tail, duck con­fit, or their home­made potato chips. It is a qual­ity restau­rant with ex­cel­lent ser­vice and care­ful prepa­ra­tion of the dishes. The wine list re­flects the area where it is lo­cated, as it has many wines and caves of Penedès.

The restau­rant is spa­cious, sim­ply fur­nished and dec­o­rated with neu­tral colours with a large din­ing room and smaller spaces for more in­ti­mate meals. A well rec­om­mended stop if you want qual­ity local cui­sine of the high­est qual­ity.

Tel: 93 899 30 28


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