
from the editor

marcela topor. mtopor@cataloniatoday.cat

It's not too late to help Catalonia's youth

One of the most devastating effects of the economic crisis in the past few years is the emigration of local young talent. With poor contracts and conditions at home, increasing numbers of young Catalans are trying their luck abroad. It is a structural problem that affects the whole country: talent developed here, often at public expense, is let go to the benefit of the world's powerful or emerging economies, which, moreover are our competitors. Yet, the fact that a whole generation of young Catalans has to seek professional opportunities in other countries wouldn't necessarily be a disadvantage if the Catalan economy knew how to go about creating the right opportunities to attract them back home. This is a real challenge for our businessmen and entrepreneurs. Being able to attract back the youngsters who are now gaining experience in other countries is an opportunity that cannot be missed. To learn more, don't miss this issue's feature about the exodus of Catalan youth abroad, stories that combine the frustration of being unable to develop projects in your own country with, at the same time, the dreams and hopes of finding the necessary opportunities to start a new life abroad.

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