Food & Wine

Pumpkin muffins

Cupcakes made with a star product of the autumn season



Put all the dry ingredients in a bowl: the coconut sugar, the almond flour, the buckwheat flour and the baking powder.


Mix the yoghurt, the eggs and the pumpkin purée together.


Blend the two mixtures and add the chocolate chopped up with a knife.


Heat the oven to 180 ºC and prepare the muffin baking tray.


Put a dollop of the mixture into each hole so they are three quarters full, and bake the muffins for 20 min or until a toothpick comes out clean after puncturing the muffins


Take the tray out of the oven and leave the muffins to completely cool down.


For the topping: beat the ricotta (or mató) and add the coconut cream and the vainilla. Sweeten the mixture with the syrup and cover the muffins with the topping. Keep the muffins in the fridge until it is time to serve.


Before serving, sprinkle the tops of the muffins with crushed chocolate and a piece of orange peel.

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Ingredients for 4 people

200 g of pumpkin purée

125 g of natural yoghurt

3 eggs

90 g of coconut sugar or brown cane sugar

90 g of almond flour

90 g of buckwheat flour

2 teaspoons of baking powder

50 g of 70% dark chocolate

For the topping (optional):

250 g of ricotta or mató cheese without salt

150 g of coconut cream

1 vial of vanilla essence

Agave syrup

Pumpkin: ancient and nutritious

Apart from being used to make jack-o’-lantern decorations at Halloween, pumpkins also have a great many culinary uses, to make such things as pumpkin butter, pies, custard, bread, biscuits and soups. Pumpkins, part of the squash family of vegetables, are believed to have originated in North America, and pumpkin-like seeds dating back to 7000 BC have been found in Mexico.

Pumpkins are also very nutritious, and a 100 grammes of raw pumpkin provides 110 kilojoules (26 kilocalories) of food energy, while they are an excellent source of provitamin A, beta-carotene and vitamin A. They also contain vitamin C in moderate amounts.

Pumpkins can also grow to ’giant’ dimensions. In fact, this year in the town of Sant Feliu de Codines, during its annual Fira de la Carbassa (Pumpkin Fair) in September, which devotes two days to the vegetables, a pumpkin weighing a whopping 716 kilos won first prize in the largest pumpkin contest.

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