

Girona makes social network impact with Game of Thrones

Girona today sees the final day of filming of Game of Thrones, having taken advantage of the presence of the American super-production to win the first battle to strengthen its name as a tourism brand around the world. Mayor of Girona Carles Puigdemont revealed on Monday that since the announcement was made that the sixth season would be filmed in the city, the social network and media impact has been worth over €3.6 million.

The study commissioned by the city council to find out the impact the series has had on the city has analysed its impact in media of all kinds, as well as mentions on social networks; and the first quantification of this is how much it would have cost the city in advertising to have such a constant presence in the media and on social networks. The size of the Game of Thrones phenomenon is unequivocally revealed in the “more than 1,300 million views” on social networks with labels referring to Girona. Puigdemont used the figures to counter criticism from some opposition groups questioning the decision to exempt HBO from paying fees for using the public space. The study will also measure the economic impact of the series in the medium term.

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