
1,685 names

The dis­cov­ery of the lists pub­lished in the Of­fi­cial State Gazette, La Van­guardia Española, El So­cial­ista and the bet­ter known one in the ceme­tery of Set­fonts has al­lowed for the cross-ref­er­enc­ing of in­for­ma­tion with that in the data­base of the Human Cost of the Civil War in Cat­alo­nia with re­gard to sur­names and first names, ages, to­ponyms of ori­gin and res­i­dency, and cir­cum­stances of death.

Prior to and in par­al­lel with this cross-ref­er­enc­ing of data, work was car­ried out to de­tect du­pli­cates. The list from the con­sulate pub­lished in the Of­fi­cial State Gazette, once tran­scribed in its en­tirety, in­cluded 1,622 names. The data cleans­ing work de­tected 98 du­pli­cates, mean­ing the Of­fi­cial State Gazette list ended up com­pris­ing 1,524 names. To these 1,524 must be added the 23 vic­tims who only ap­peared in the list pub­lished in La Van­guardia Española and the 138 known from other sources. In total, the list there­fore con­sists of 1,685 names.

The most im­por­tant con­sid­er­a­tion, how­ever, was when the sources con­firmed the death of a vic­tim whose name did not ap­pear in the list com­piled by the Human Cost of the Civil War in Cat­alo­nia data­base, or was listed as miss­ing, and all those vic­tims whose names had not been as­so­ci­ated with the cir­cum­stances of death or were er­ro­neous. Lluís Valls Mora, 24, born in Lliçà d’Amunt and a res­i­dent of Arenys de Mar, was listed in the Human Cost data­base as hav­ing died in a French camp, with­out the place or date being spec­i­fied, al­though the cause was (ty­phoid fever). Thanks to in­for­ma­tion from the Of­fi­cial State Gazette, which was also pub­lished in La Van­guardia Española, we know now he died at the Old Mil­i­tary Hos­pi­tal in Per­pig­nan on May 15, 1939. There are two fur­ther cases that are even more sig­nif­i­cant, be­cause the in­for­ma­tion on the cir­cum­stances of death pro­vided by these sources cor­rects the place and date of dis­ap­pear­ance and/or death. For ex­am­ple, Va­lerià or Va­leri Martín Martín, 25, a na­tive of Los San­tos and res­i­dent of Sant Llorenç de Mont­gai, who was listed in the Human Cost data­base as hav­ing died ei­ther at the Ebre front or dur­ing the re­treat, after being doc­u­mented as such by oral tes­ti­mony in 1987, is listed in the Of­fi­cial State Gazette and La Van­guardia Española as hav­ing died in the Old Mil­i­tary Hos­pi­tal of Per­pig­nan on Oc­to­ber 17, 1939. An­other case is that of Josep Mora Tomàs, 24 years old, from Ro­cafort de Quer­alt, whose cir­cum­stances of death were not known and whom we also find on the list of those who died in the Old Mil­i­tary Hos­pi­tal of Per­pig­nan on March 16, 1939. Flo­renci Co­madira Buxó, 36 years old, from Sant Feliu de Guíxols, who was listed in the Human Cost data­base as hav­ing died as a re­sult of wounds to the fore­head in France, is also among the list of wounded com­bat­ants who died at the Old Mil­i­tary Hos­pi­tal in Per­pig­nan, in this case on March 7, 1939. Juli Es­tivill Es­coda of Ca Cli­ment de la Torre de l’Es­panyol, aged 19, was re­ported to have died in a Fran­coist con­cen­tra­tion camp in Spain, while the Of­fi­cial State Gazette and La Van­guardia Española iden­ti­fied him among those who died in Per­pig­nan, in the Old Mil­i­tary Hos­pi­tal, May 20, 1939. Oral tes­ti­mony from Joan-Sal­vador Ven­tura Be­naiges re­ported Joan Bap­tista Treig Badia, of Ca Treig de Beni­fal­let, 28 years old, as dying in French exile; we now know that he died at Sant Lluís Hos­pi­tal in Per­pig­nan in 1939.

fea­ture his­tor­i­cal mem­ory

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