
ANC plans protests as far afield as London

The National Assembly of Catalonia (ANC) has called on all its regional organisations to begin protests and demonstrations from 7 o’clock this evening, in all the regional capital cities. These events are devised to coincide with the scheduled timing at which the political prisoners are to be moved from their prisons in Catalonia, to Madrid, by the police and National Guard.

Elisenda Paluzie, the President of the ANC, advised against impeding the planned transfer of prisoners, arguing it was not a logical approach as it would take “too many resources and risks” and goes against the decision by the prisoners to take on the trial “head on”. She went on to state the protests should seek to demonstrate the “violation of rights” by a State which seems “hell-bent on unity regardless of the cost”. She also said she believed an agreed referendum was “not realistic” and that the pro-independence lobby needed to continue working on the “only possible route to independence; a unilateral one”.

Taking the campaign to the international stage, following the launch of, the ANC will stage demonstrations in European capitals including Brussels, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Geneva, and beginning on Downing Street in front of the residence of the British Prime Minister.

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