

Russian found murdered was clairvoyant

Vasili Ko­r­cha­gin, the Russ­ian who ap­par­ently dis­ap­peared in Lli­nars del Vallès and was as­sas­si­nated on No­vem­ber 24 with two large rocks wrapped around his body in the Boadella reser­voir, was a well-known clair­voy­ant and faith healer in his na­tive coun­try. He lived in Kras­noiarsk, a city of over a mil­lion in­hab­i­tants lo­cated some 7,600 km from the place where his corpse was lo­cated. The pe­cu­liar na­ture of the vic­tim’s busi­ness has fur­ther com­pli­cated the in­ves­ti­ga­tion for the Mossos.

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