
“Strong and determined”

Jordi Sánchez, interviewed today, appreciates the support he gets, describes his case as “unproveable” and won’t be silenced

On the brink of being transferred to the prison of Soto del Real, in Madrid, for the 1-O trial, Jordi Sánchez receives El Punt Avui, at his current prison, Lledoners.

How are you?

Strong, and determined to continue maintaining the ideals that led me to prison. And comforted by all the support and warmth.

Are you worried about conditions in Soto del Real?

Facing such a long trial (with sessions of eight hours a day, three days a week, for months), and being in preventive custody is a tool imposed by the court to wear us down. It is part of the political judgement we are facing.

Are you physically and mentally ready?

Absolutely. After the hunger strike, having seen the Constitutional Tribunal react almost immediately and unblock our appeals to European Justice, we know that with a firm hand, and dignified calm, taking the courts on head-on and denouncing them, we know we can win.

Do you see the trial as an opportunity?

After almost 16 months of preventive jail the trial will be the moment nobody can silence us. It will be an opportunity to put the Spanish State in front of a mirror. And most importantly, all the pressure will be on the Prosecutor. They must prove the unproveable. And under the international spotlight and magnifying glasses. International observers will not buy invented stories. The Prosecutor’s Office has a very difficult task, in fact it is an imposible task, if a conviction can only come from proven facts.

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