

‘Tocats de l’ala’: a Catalan rock story

Sau and Sang­traït ap­peared in 1988 and Sopa de Cabra, Lax’n’Busto and Els Pets in 1989. Thirty years seems like long enough to get per­spec­tive on the Cata­lan rock scene, and the most pro­found analy­sis pro­duced to date has just come out: To­cats de l’ala, a book in the form of an oral his­tory writ­ten by Oriol Rodríguez and pub­lished by Con­tra.It rescon­structs the scene, with­out avoid­ing is­sues, like the not so cor­dial re­la­tion­ships be­tween bands and the gen­eral dep­re­ca­tion with which the Barcelona press dealt with Cata­lan rock.

The book does not focus solely on the four fa­mous groups (Sau, Els Pets, Sopa de Cabra and Sang­traït) who, on June 14 1991, gave the biggest in­door con­cert in Eu­rope at the Palau Sant Jordi. Al­though the title is in­spired by one of the most pop­u­lar songs from the Em­pordà (by Sopa de Cabra), the book takes on in­sights from over sixty in­ter­views.

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