
Sánchez and Torra meeting on agenda

Preparations underway to arrange meeting between Spanish and Catalan leaders to discuss solution to conflict

A meet­ing is im­mi­nent be­tween mem­bers of the Cata­lan and Span­ish gov­ern­ments after Span­ish Vice Pres­i­dent Car­men Calvo and Cata­lan Vice Pres­i­dent Pere Aragonés and Min­is­ter for the Pres­i­dency Elsa Ar­tadi held talks on Mon­day evening in Barcelona. They talked about the for­mat and con­tent of the meet­ing, which, ac­cord­ing to var­i­ous sources, are still a mat­ter of dis­cus­sion and there­fore, “every­thing is still open,” sources of Pres­i­dency said yes­ter­day.

The Cata­lan ex­ec­u­tive has made it clear to La Mon­cloa that it is to­tally pre­pared to com­mit to di­a­logue pro­vided that it is “use­ful”. This means de­vel­op­ing an agenda to in­clude is­sues that move away from the usual top­ics ad­dressed in such meet­ings and bi­lat­eral com­mis­sions.

The Cata­lan gov­ern­ment wants Pedro Sánchez to go a step fur­ther than in the first meet­ing be­tween the two in Madrid on July, in which the So­cial­ist leader ac­knowl­edged the ex­is­tence of a po­lit­i­cal prob­lem in Cat­alo­nia that had to be re­solved in the field of pol­i­tics. Fol­low­ing this line of ar­gu­men­ta­tion, the Cata­lan ex­ec­u­tive now wants to this sec­ond meet­ing to be a sum­mit at­tended by more than two gov­ern­ment rep­re­sen­ta­tives per side.

Re­gard­ing the con­tent, Pres­i­dent Torra’s team is also com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing so­lu­tions to the po­lit­i­cal con­flict that Cat­alo­nia is ex­pe­ri­enc­ing. In this re­gard, an agreed ref­er­en­dum is the main pro­posal of­fered by the Cata­lans to re­solve the in­sti­tu­tional im­passe, al­though there is an aware­ness that the idea is re­jected by La Mon­cloa.

Now it is nec­es­sary to see the Span­ish gov­ern­ment’s pro­posal, al­though Pres­i­dent Sánchez al­ready said last Mon­day that his offer will ar­rive after the 1-O trial.

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