

Oncology surgery with radioactive capsules

In the last three months, sur­geons at Barcelona’s Hos­pi­tal Clinic have op­er­ated on a dozen pa­tients with non-pal­pa­ble tu­mours by using a new tech­nique to more ac­cu­rately lo­cate the af­fected area and re­move tu­mours more neatly. The sys­tem has been ap­plied mainly to breast can­cers and con­sists in im­plant­ing what the spe­cial­ists call a ra­dioac­tive seed in the tu­mour. This tiny ti­ta­nium cap­sule guides the sur­geons and al­lows tu­mours to be re­moved ac­cu­rately, with­out harm­ing healthy tis­sue.

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