

Disney releases Mary Poppins sequel

While Hol­ly­wood is em­brac­ing new tech­nolo­gies and cre­at­ing uni­verses un­think­able just 30 years ago thanks to dig­i­tal vi­sual ef­fects, The re­turn of Mary Pop­pins, which ar­rives in cin­e­mas to­mor­row, shows a com­mit­ment to the essence of the clas­sic mu­si­cal: great chore­o­gra­phies with dancers show­ing off their vir­tu­os­ity in open plan long shots; real scenery, where the artists dance and sing, and songs that seem to have been taken di­rectly out of a fifties mu­si­cal, per­formed by the ac­tors and a large or­ches­tra.

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