

Man sentenced over homophobic insults

A Barcelona judge has sen­tenced a man for shout­ing ho­mo­pho­bic in­sults in the street. In the sen­tence, the de­fen­dant was found guilty of a crime against the vic­tim’s fun­da­men­tal rights and sen­tenced to six months in prison, a fine of €720 and com­pen­sa­tion of €600 for moral dam­ages. The sen­tence ac­quit­ted the de­fen­dant of the fur­ther of­fence of in­jury with the ag­gra­va­tion of dis­crim­i­na­tion due to sex­ual ori­en­ta­tion, as a phys­i­cal at­tack on the vic­tim could not be proven.

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