
“I don’t expect a fair trial”

Interviewed on hunger strike: “The Constitutional Tribunal values the unity of the Spanish nation state above the fundamental rights of its citizens”

Today is Josep Rull’s sev­enth day of hunger strike, and the 294th day he has spent in prison. This past fri­day, the ex-coun­selor from the Gen­er­al­i­tat shared his thoughts and feel­ings with us.

How is your health?

Rea­son­ably good. It is very much as doc­tors told me it would be, and I have ac­cess to daily check-ups.

How do you feel about the re­ac­tions you are get­ting?

Our main ob­jec­tive is to shake up peo­ple’s con­sciences, and draw at­ten­tion to the de­lib­er­ate legal moves by the Span­ish Con­sti­tu­tional Tri­bunal to block our acess to the Eu­ro­pean Court of Jus­tice. The re­sponses from within Cat­alo­nia and in­ter­na­tion­ally have been far greater than we could have hoped for, al­ready.

How is the TC block­ing you?

They are act­ing against their own pro­to­col. When ap­peals are brought to them, in a case of some­one being on re­mand, their pro­to­col says they must act within 30 days. They have chose to ig­nore their own rules, and six ap­peals from our legal teams. We can­not go to Stras­bourg until they re­spond.

How did you feel read­ing the pre-trial writs against you?

If I had any doubt I was a po­lit­i­cal pris­oner, this was quashed when I read them. They’re po­lit­i­cal ac­cu­sa­tions, with­out a shadow of proof, to sup­port charges of re­bel­lion and sedi­tion, which in the penal code must in­clude vi­o­lence. It’s delir­ium.

What do you ex­pect of the trial?

I don’t ex­pect a fair trial. The ju­di­cial process so far points to an at­tempt to scape­goat Cata­lan politi­cians and put fear into hon­est Cata­lans who came out in huge num­bers to vote on self-de­ter­mi­na­tion last year.

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