

Yuri Rodekin through the looking-glass

The work of Yuri Rodekin blends tra­di­tion and moder­nity, but al­ways in ref­er­ence to him­self. There are artists who paint what they feel and oth­ers what they see, Rodekin paints the re­flec­tion in the mir­ror. It is a look­ing-glass with some­thing of Alice about it and his re­flected pres­ence has an air of Won­der­land, as well as a dandy­ish feel from an­other time.

Some of Rodekin’s work is on dis­play over the whole Christ­mas pe­riod in the Víctor Saave­dra gallery in Barcelona (Enric Grana­dos, 97), which pro­vides an ex­cel­lent op­por­tu­nity to con­tem­plate the artist’s sin­gu­lar paint­ing in which the human fig­ure is mixed with a per­sonal vi­sion of na­ture that al­ways ap­pears mys­te­ri­ous and un­set­tling.

“My paint­ings deal with things and feel­ings that give me joy,” says the Russ­ian artist who now lives in Aus­tria, in a soli­tary nat­ural spot next to a lake. “Life is art and art is life,” says Rodekin.

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