

New campaign aims to boost Catalan in music

The Plataforma per la Llen­gua, which pro­motes the Cata­lan lan­guage, yes­ter­day pre­sented the cam­paign, Les xifres can­ten, de­mand­ing “a change in the Cata­lan gov­ern­ment’s mu­si­cal pro­mo­tion poli­cies”. The cam­paign, based around let­ters sent to the new cul­ture min­istry, in­cludes a study that puts Cat­alo­nia bot­tom of the list in terms of pro­mot­ing its lan­guage com­pared to equiv­a­lent com­mu­ni­ties like Que­bec, Ire­land, Fin­land or the Basque Coun­try. Yes­ter­day’s launch of the cam­paign in Barcelona in­cluded mu­si­cians such as Marc Ser­rats, Caïm Riba, Ivette Nadal, Amadeu Casas, Enric Hernàez and Joan Isaac.

The study, which mainly com­pares pro­mo­tion poli­cies be­tween 2005 and 2016 in Cat­alo­nia with those in equiv­a­lent com­mu­ni­ties, shows that six out of every ten euros handed out in sub­si­dies by the Cata­lan gov­ern­ment went to pro­jects in which the pres­ence of the Cata­lan lan­guage was under 25%.

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