

Summer 1993 wins two prizes in Berlin

The Cata­lan film Sum­mer 1993 (Estiu 1993), di­rected by Carla Simón, yes­ter­day won two prizes at the Berlin Film Fes­ti­val: the Best First Fea­ture Award and the jury prize in the Gen­er­a­tion Kplus cat­e­gory. The lat­ter award was shared with the Ko­rean film Be­com­ing Who I Was. The Hun­gar­ian film A Teströl és Lélekröl (On Body and Soul), by Ildikó Enyedi, was the fes­ti­val's big win­ner this year, tak­ing the prize for Best Film in the main sec­tion.

Sum­mer 1993 is based on Simón's child­hood mem­o­ries. The film is nar­rated from the point of view of a six year old girl who has to go and live with rel­a­tives after the death of her mother. Bruna Cusí, David Verda­guer and child actor Laia Ar­ti­gas star in the film. The di­rec­tor told El Punt Avui that one of the film's themes “is the process of adapt­ing to a new fam­ily, that sud­denly there are new peo­ple who have to be­come your par­ents.”

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