
320,000 Catalans receiving food aid due to rise in “poor workers”

The real scope of the work being done by so­cial in­sti­tu­tions in a mat­ter as basic as cov­er­ing the food re­quire­ments of poor fam­i­lies is reach­ing scan­dalous fig­ures: over 320,000 peo­ple are cur­rently re­ceiv­ing food aid in Cat­alo­nia. The re­port Dig­nify and de­fend the right to food pre­sented yes­ter­day by the Cata­lan Red Cross high­lights el­e­ments that sug­gest these needs are not going to di­min­ish any time in the near fu­ture, such as the in­crease in “poor work­ers” - earn­ing wages that do not allow them to meet their basic needs - in­creas­ingly more chronic poverty and grow­ing in­equal­ity.

Given this sce­nario, so­cial or­ga­ni­za­tions are com­mit­ted to work­ing on two areas: first, the dig­ni­fy­ing of the sys­tem when pro­vid­ing aid, and sec­ond, pro­vid­ing peo­ple with full care, that is, not only food but also sup­port in hous­ing, hy­giene and school ma­te­ri­als, as well as train­ing and em­ploy­a­bil­ity guide­lines for find­ing work.

Last year, the four food banks in Cat­alo­nia dis­trib­uted nearly 22.4 mil­lion kilos of food to a total of 260,497 peo­ple. All this while every year 262,471 tonnes of food are wasted in homes, shops and restau­rants.

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